Package Picker: A Recommendation Engine for Open Source SoftwareThere’s so much open source software in the world. Almost every conceivable problem has a solution already written and waiting to be used.Aug 25, 202012Aug 25, 202012
OSS sustainability — Open Space discussion at DevOpsDays Detroit.OSS has very positive connotations, and companies like to be associated with that. The reason companies use OSS is usually to find the…Oct 24, 20191Oct 24, 20191
Published inThe StartupTic-tac-toe and deep neural networksTic-tac-toe (or noughts and crosses) is a simple game. Given two players (‘X’ and ‘O’) taking alternating turns on a 3x3 grid, which…Jul 23, 2019212Jul 23, 2019212
Knowing When to QuitQuitting a job is a very personal decision. Reasons range from “getting a pay raise” to “leaving a bad boss” to “taking an extended…May 10, 201920May 10, 201920
Code should be Stone Age simpleWhen you want to build something to last a long time, simple things are better than complex things. Arrowheads are simple by nature…May 2, 201923May 2, 201923
Always Be OnboardingNinety Days is a great Rands in Repose piece about onboarding. In essence, you’re trying to build a mental map of the organization. This…Apr 25, 2019679Apr 25, 2019679
Published inUX CollectiveRunning for a LifetimeI am a runner. If you’re a recreational runner like me, you’ve never won a race, you’ve never been part of the Olympic team, and you’ve…Dec 13, 2015183Dec 13, 2015183
Published inUX CollectiveDesigning Digital Products for the Long TermArchitecture is thousands of years old. Many buildings that were built hundreds of years ago are still functional, beautiful buildings…Dec 2, 201512Dec 2, 201512
The Insanity of the Published AuthorIf you’ve ever written a book, or thought about writing a book, you know the feeling of exuberance at the start. It’s intoxicating.Nov 25, 20154Nov 25, 20154